PhD in Systems and Sustainable Engineering training offer.

The training offer related to the PhD in Systems and Sustainable Engineering for the 2023-24 academic year is detailed below.


Título de la sesión
Numerical methods Applied to Data Science and Engineering Problems
Inscribirse, salvo doctorandos/as | Alumnos, mediante Loyola Online


08-02-2024 de 15:00 a 17:00
13-02-2024 de 15:00 a 17:00
15-02-2024 de 15:00 a 17:00
20-02-2024 de 15:00 a 17:00


Francisco de Paula Montero Chacón

Horas Reconocidas





CB14 - Ability to carry out a critical analysis and evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.

CA01 - Manage in contexts in which there is little specific information.

OT1 - Find a multidisciplinary and ethical vision in the generation of new knowledge in the field of numerical analysis of complex systems of any kind and engineering

Aspectos a trabajar

  1. Introduction to Python and Numerical Methods
  2. Systems modeling
  3. Solving equations and systems
  4. Interpolation and numerical differentiation and integration
  5. Solving differential equations



  1. Theoretical-practical classes where the theoretical concepts of the session will be introduced in the first part and a practical example will be worked on in the second.
  2. Autonomous work to solve a problem assigned for evaluation.
  3. Practices in Google Colab to implement algorithms.



Level of participation and involvement of students throughout the academic period.

Requisitos previos

No se requiere

How to write the Research Project and Follow-up reports
Inscripción alumnos, mediante Loyola Online


22-04-2024 de 15:00 a 17:00
29-04-2024 de 15:00 a 17:00


María Luisa Rodero Cosano

Horas Reconocidas





Regarding basic competencies, the aim is to develop the following:

BC12 - Ability to conceive, design or create, implement, and adopt a substantial research or creative process.

BC15 - Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and society at large about their fields of knowledge in the modes and languages commonly used in their international scientific community.

Personal skills and abilities will be:

PC02 - Find the key questions to be answered to solve a complex problem.

PC05 - Integrate knowledge, deal with complexity, and make judgments with limited information.

Based on these competencies, the aim is to:

1 - Be able to initiate a research process leading to the completion of a Doctoral Thesis.

Aspectos a trabajar

The drafting of the Research Plan and the subsequent Follow-up Reports is a key point in the bureaucratic processes that the Ph.D. student has to follow for the defense of his/her Thesis. Thus, this workshop is specifically oriented towards learning how to present and prepare both documents with the aim of showing that the student has the necessary competencies, skills, and knowledge to subsequently defend the thesis.


The didactic instruments used to achieve the competences will be, essentially, the master class and the student's autonomous work.


Attendance at all the teaching hours

Requisitos previos

No se requiere

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