Specific entrance profiles and complementary training  

Entrance Profiles

The necessary level of knowledge to be admitted into the Doctorate Program in Data Science by Loyola University Andalusia corresponds to one of these 3 profiles: 

Profile 1

An undergraduate-degree level in economics, business administration, engineering, sociology, mathematics and statistics, and a postgraduate level in some area of knowledge related to the above-mentioned degrees imparted in an official Master’s program in the European Union, with research or mixed orientation, in which the candidate has done the research itinerary and a Final Master’s Thesis of 16 ECTS credits or more.
The Master’s that enable direct access to the Doctorate Program in Data Science in Loyola University Andalusia are:

  • Master’s in Research Methods in Business and Economic Sciences in Loyola University Andalusia.
  • Master’s in the Control of Industrial Processes at the University of Cordoba.
  • Master’s in Intelligent Systems at the University of Cordoba.
  • And all those that the Master’s Committee deems to be apt for direct access
Profile 2

An undergraduate-degree level in economics, business administration, engineering, sociology, mathematics and statistics, and a postgraduate level in some area of knowledge related to the above-mentioned degrees imparted in an official Master’s program in the European Union, with professionalizing or mixed orientation, in which the candidate has done the professionalizing itinerary. Those who fit this second admittance profile will have the opportunity to enter the Doctorate Program by taking the corresponding training complements.

Profile 3

An undergraduate-degree level in economics, business administration, engineering, sociology, mathematics, statistics, communication and law, and a postgraduate level not related to an area of knowledge in the fields of economics, business administration, engineering, sociology, mathematics, communication and statistics degrees awarded in an official Master’s program in the European Union, independently of its orientation. Those who fit this third entrance profile will have the opportunity to enter the Doctorate Program by taking some corresponding training complements.

Required Languages and Levels

In addition to the above, Spanish Level C1 will be required (if it is not the native language) and English level B2.
All those who cannot present a certificate accrediting their language proficiency will have the facilities of the Loyola Idiomas, Culture and Communication at their disposition.   Thus they can certify their language level using this on-line system of evaluation.  

Training Complements

Profiles Of Training Complements
Profile  1 Not necessary
Profile  2 16 ECTS
Profile  3 20 ECTS

Those students that can directly enter the Doctoral Program will need to take complementary training which could be:

  • 16 ECTS credits: Research Work equivalent to the end-of-Master’s Thesis of the University Master’s Program on Research Methods in Business Management and Administration (MMInv) of Loyola University Andalusia.
  • 20 ECTS credits: Doing one subject (4 ECTS credits in total) of the University Master’s in Research Methods in Business and Economics Sciences (MMInv) of Loyola University Andalusia. The choice of subject will be made by the student’s tutor depending on the student’s research interests, from among the following:  modeling, simulation and computational economic models, uncertainty management, advanced econometric models and statistics analysis techniques based on artificial intelligence, in Research work that is equivalent to the End-of-Master’s Thesis of the University Master’s Program in Methods of Research in Business and Economics Sciences (MMInv) of Loyola University Andalusia (16 ECTS credits).


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