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The Culture Area in the Loyola University Andalusia has a dual objective. On the one hand, it aims to develop and foment creativity and participation in the university community and in activities linked to the arts and aesthetic and artistic awareness. On the other hand there is an agenda of original and attractive activities open to all publics.

The University wants to be close to its social surroundings, be in contact with Society and integrated in its cultural life. That is why many actions and initiatives on the part of the Culture Area take place in places in the cities of Seville and Cordoba and in collaboration with other institutions, groups and initiatives in order to participate more in the social life of the city and build bridges through culture.

To carry out these activities, the Culture Area is supported by firms and institutions like Casa del Libro, lthe Fundación José Manuel Lara, the Fundación Valentín de Madariaga,the Fundación Focus-Abengoa, La Librería Luque, the Librería La Extravagante or the Centro Cultural de Montequinto of the Town Hall in Dos Hermanas. Follow us at @LoyolaCultura.

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