Live the Loyola Experience

We would like “Live Loyola” to be fundamental for everyone who forms part of the University.  To be a university student implies participating in the community and from the community, where there are many activities dedicated to forming and developing those values that characterize us.

Life in Loyola University Andalusia is much more than simply attending classes…. You can practice sports, participate in many workshops and seminars that are organized periodically, form part of the Debate Club – which participates in national university competitions – or of the Theater Workshop, which has been awarded many prizes and recognitions in different contests.

In the field of social action, the services involved in Volunteer work, Cooperation in Development and Evangelization and Dialogue allow the integration of students into the fundamental values of the Loyola Community and university campus life.  Furthermore, on finishing one’s studies, graduates have the opportunity to maintain their relationship with the community through Loyola Alumni, graduates of all courses, a link that prolongs their participation in the University beyond their degree years.

In Loyola Andalusia you will be able to participate in as many activities as you wish in order to meet new people and develop other skills that will help you grow personally and professionally.

Contact our Orientation and Information Service and they will tell you how you can sign up to join in these activities.

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