Título The participation of university students in the digital culture of e-counseling services
Autores De Pablos Pons, Juan , Colas Bravo, Pilar , Gonzalez Ramirez, Teresa , Villaciervos Moreno, Patricia , CONDE JIMÉNEZ, JESÚS, REYES DE CÓZAR, SALVADOR
Publicación externa Si
Medio Revista Latinoamericana De Tecnologia Educativa-Relatec
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Fecha de publicacion 01/01/2016
ISI 000379151300006
DOI 10.17398/1695-288X.15.2.67
Abstract The University of Seville (Spain) offers new online services which includes the support and guidance. The e-guidance service is articulated through different sites that offers the information about the counseling and guidance actions, and includes an online form where the students could recive online guidance in many services. The success of these services depend on the participation and the use the students do of these resources. For this reason, the aim of this study is to determine the degree of student knowledge, use, assessment and expectations about online counseling services that the institution offers. The study population consists of 57624 university corresponding to the number of students enrolled in Grades at the University of Seville. The final sample consists of 413 students from 68 different degrees with a confidence level of 95% and assuming a sampling error of 5%. Data collection was performed using a telematic questionnaire designed ad-hoc. The analysis reveals that the students have a great misunderstanding level about the online counseling services offered. This creates very low levels of use and valuation, most focused on simple queries about specific information. Despite these results, the students expectations are very favorable, how shows the students predisposition in the improvement and expansion of existing digital environments. These findings could be considered like an indicator of the digital literacy level.
Palabras clave Digital Culture; Digital Literacy; Information and Communication Technologies; Higher Education; Academic Support Services
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