Title Evaluation by competencies and Learning Styles
Authors de Espinosa, Ignacio Perlado Lamo , BARROSO TRISTÁN, JOSÉ MARÍA, Vargas, Jose Jesus Trujillo
External publication No
Means Journal Of Learning Styles
Scope Article
Nature Científica
Publication date 01/01/2023
ISI 001118556200005
Abstract This article proposes an analysis of the way in which teachers can develop the evaluation by competences following what is indicated in the current legislation, the Organic Law 3/2020, of December 29, which modifies the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, Education (LOMLOE), Royal Decree 157/2022, of March 1, which establishes the organization and minimum teachings of Primary Education, together with Royal Decree 217/2022, of March 29 March, which establishes the organization and the minimum teachings of Compulsory Secondary Education. It is emphasized that the evaluation criteria for each subject will be based on performance levels, which must be analyzed through the specific skills and therefore will affect the learning styles of the students. The objective is to carry out a bibliographic review on the competences, their evaluation and the possible learning styles for the competence development of the students, investigating the relationship of these aspects. The bibliographic search is carried out using various databases. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of carrying out an adequate competence evaluation linking learning styles, didactic methodologies and competence development.
Keywords Learning; competencies; learning styles; competence evaluation
Universidad Loyola members

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