Título Transition from High School to University: vocational identity of students showing preference for the Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
Autores Hernandez Franco, Vicente , FRANCO ÁLVAREZ, EVELIA
Publicación externa Si
Medio Revista Complutense de Educacion
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil SJR 2
Impacto SJR 0.466
Fecha de publicacion 01/01/2020
ISI 000523302100012
DOI 10.5209/rced.63133
Abstract Several international studies show the importance of professionals in the field of Sport. Vocational interests and values\' profiles in this professional community can define its vocational identity. In turn, the identification of this vocational identity can be of great value to carry out orienteering processes. The main objective of this study is to explore the specific vocational identity of High School students who aim to engage in the Degree of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (PASS) and to contribute to improve the guidance process for this population. A total of 4715 students from the last year of High School from Madrid participated in the study. From the total sample, 43.9% were boys and 56.1%, girls (Mage=17.37; SD=.65). They all completed the battery of questionnaires offered by the vocational e-portfolio from Orion Project (www.upcomillas.es/myvip). Orion Project (www.upcomillas.es/myvip). Results revealed there are some differences in the vocational interests and values of High School students whose first option is to engage in PASS in relation to the rest of students. More specifically, this group of students showed higher interest for "Sports", but also for "Protection and Safety", "Health Services" and "Teaching and Guidance". Furthermore, vocational values characterizing students willing to study PASS are: "Performing a fun activity" and "Having a workable schedule". Findings point the need to reflect about whether these students\' characterization is in line with the demands of the current society
Palabras clave Vocational guidance; Vocational Interest; Vocational Values; Social Cognitive Career Theory
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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