Título The Confluence of the Learning Communities Project with other Projects: The Case of the CRFA in Peru and Guatemala
Publicación externa No
Medio Remie-Multidisciplinary Journal Of Educational Research
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Fecha de publicacion 01/10/2017
ISI 000416060100004
DOI 10.17583/remie.2017.3023
Abstract Schools as Learning Communities is a project of global transformation of educational centers that has been developed with scientific bases. In a number of centers and contexts, the Learning coincides and collaborates with other projects. In this article, we analyze the specific case of the collaboration between Schools as Learning Communities and the Rural Centers for Alternate Education (CRFA) in Peru and Guatemala as an example of how fruitful can be this kind of collaboration for children and youth. We also refer to other projects with which Schools as Learning Communities collaborates in other centers and contexts. We state the importance of avoiding understanding collaboration as unification, and the need to clarify in all centers and contexts the bases of every of the projects that collaborate.
Palabras clave schools as learning communities; alternate system; rural centers of education in alternation (CRFA); confluence of projects; Successful Educational Actions
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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