Título Public sector transparency through online press rooms. Management of collective resources and information on city websites of Castile and Leon, Spain
Autores Herrero-Gutierrez, Francisco-Javier , Martinez-Vallvey, Fernando , TAPIA FRADE, ALEJANDRO JOSÉ, Rey-Garcia, Pablo , Cabezuelo-Lorenzo, Francisco
Publicación externa No
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil JCR 2
Cuartil SJR 1
Impacto JCR 1.318
Impacto SJR 0.652
Web https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85023202942&doi=10.3145%2fepi.2017.may.08&partnerID=40&md5=c63276434e612875c566b15feb11cac3
Fecha de publicacion 01/05/2017
ISI 000404291000008
Scopus Id 2-s2.0-85023202942
DOI 10.3145/epi.2017.may.08
Abstract This research focuses on the transparency of the public websites of the main cities of the region of Castilla y Leon (Spain). Taking as a sample the 24 towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants, this article presents the results related to management and information about the collective resources and the issues concerning the online press room. Using a fully proven methodology developed by a larger project titled Infoparticipa Map, a particularly relevant group of results are achieved. On the one hand, information about the composition of the governing bodies is widely available, with differences between the most and least populated towns. But on the other hand, the performance of municipal power in the region is focused on the publication of general news and concessions to the city governments, obviating other information such as detailed city accounts or the role of the opposition parties.
Palabras clave Public information; Transparency; Local information; Press rooms; E-government; City councils; Web sites; Spain
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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