Título Multiple Internalization Pathways of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Capsules into Mammalian Cells
Autores Kastl, Lena , Sasse, Daniel , Wulf, Verena , Hartmann, Raimo , Mircheski, Josif , Ranke, Christiane , Carregal-Romero, Susana , MARTÍNEZ LÓPEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO, Fernandez-Chacon, Rafael , Parak, Wolfgang J. , Elsasser, Hans-Peter , Rivera Gil, Pilar
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Medio ACS Nano
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil JCR 1
Cuartil SJR 1
Impacto JCR 12.033
Impacto SJR 6.672
Fecha de publicacion 01/08/2013
ISI 000323810600018
DOI 10.1021/nn306032k
Abstract Polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) capsules are carrier vehicles with great potential for biomedical applications. With the future aim of designing biocompatible, effective therapeutic delivery systems (e.g., for cancer), the pathway of internalization (uptake and fate) of PEM capsules was investigated. In particular the following experiments were performed: (i) the study of capsule co-localization with established endocytic markers, (ii) switching off endocytotic pathways with pharmaceutical/chemical inhibitors, and (iii) characterization and quantification of capsule uptake with confocal and electron microscopy. As result, capsules co-localized with lipid rafts and with phigolysosomes, but not with other endocytic Vesicles. Chemical interference of endocytosis with chemical blockers indicated that PEM capsules enter the investigated cell lines through a mechanism slightly sensitive to electrostatic interactions, independent of clathrin and caveolae, and strongly dependent on cholesterol-rich domains and organelle acidification. Microscopic characterization of cells during capsule uptake showed the formation of phagocytic cups (vesicles) to engulf the capsules, an increased number of mitochondria, and a final localization in the perinuclear cytoplasma. Combining all these indicators we conclude that PEM capsule internalization in general occurs as a combination of different sequential mechanisms. Initially, an adsorptive mechanism due to strong electrostatic interactions governs the stabilization of the capsules at the cell surface. Membrane ruffling and filopodia extensions are responsible for capsule engulfing through the formation of a phagocytic cup. Co-localization with lipid raft domains activates the cell to initiate a lipid-raft-mediated macropinocytosis. Internalization vesicles are very acidic and co-localize only with phagolysosome markers, excluding caveolin-mediated pathways and indicating that upon phagocytosis the capsules are sorted to heterophagolysosomes.
Palabras clave polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules; mechanisms of internalization; cancer cells; pharmacological inhibitors; phagocytosis; macropinocytosis; clathrin-mediated uptake; lipid rafts; caveolin-mediated uptake; intracellular localization; lysosomes; endosomes; actin cytoskeleton; colloids; layer-by-layer assembly
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