Título Motivación e intención de ser físicamente activo en jugadores de baloncesto en formación. Diferencias en función de la competición
Autores FRANCO ÁLVAREZ, EVELIA, Pérez-Tejero J. , Arrizabalaga A.
Publicación externa Si
Medio Cuadernos de Psicologia del Deporte
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil SJR 4
Impacto SJR 0.172
Fecha de publicacion 01/01/2012
DOI 10.4321/s1578-84232012000300006
Abstract The objective of this study was to analyse the differences in the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPNS) and intended future practice in basketball players in training according to the level of competition to which they belonged. It was distributed PNSE questionnaire to assess basic needs and MIPA to measure the intention to be physically active on a sample of 181 basketball players aged between 11 and 16 years belonging to different leagues. The most significant results indicated that a) there are significant differences between leagues b) the relation between the BPN and the intention increased with the level of competition c) competence was the only variable present in all categories. © 2012.
Palabras clave Basketball; Initiation; League; Motivation; Training
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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