Título Knowledge, Attitudes and Expectations of Physicians with Respect to Palliative Care in Ecuador: A Qualitative Study.
Autores Davalos-Batallas, Viviana , Mahtani-Chugani, Vinita , LÓPEZ NUÑEZ, CARLA, Duque, Victor , Leon-Larios, Fatima , Lomas-Campos, Maria-de-Las-Mercedes , Sanz, Emilio
Publicación externa No
Medio International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil JCR 1
Cuartil SJR 2
Impacto JCR 3.39
Impacto SJR 0.747
Web https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85085856466&doi=10.3390%2fijerph17113906&partnerID=40&md5=b07423d256d76a06dc272ed81c135ab8
Fecha de publicacion 31/05/2020
ISI 000542629600159
Scopus Id 2-s2.0-85085856466
DOI 10.3390/ijerph17113906
Abstract Background: The worldwide need for palliative care is high, especially\n in mid- income countries like Ecuador, where the percentage of patients\n receiving such care is very small due to the scarcity of infrastructure\n and specialized personnel and to the unequal distribution in the\n country. The objective of this study is to explore the knowledge,\n attitudes and expectations related to palliative care of the physicians\n in Ecuador. Methods: A qualitative study based on 28 semi-structured\n interviews, from March 2014 to November 2016, with physicians working in\n four cities in Ecuador recruited through the snowball technique.\n Thematic analysis was developed supported by the ATLAS.ti software.\n Results: Five core themes were identified: (1) training, (2) health\n policy, (3) professionals\' activities, (4) health services and (5)\n development of palliative care in Ecuador. Conclusions: Strategies are\n needed which intensify the training of medical professional in\n palliative care, as well as avail the human resources and materials for\n providing it.
Palabras clave disease treatment; health care; health services; health worker; human resource; mortality; qualitative analysis; article; attitude; city; Ecuador; expectation; health care policy; human; medical education; palliative therapy; physician; qualitative research; semi structured interview; software; thematic analysis; Ecuador
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