Título Institutional environment and job well-being on the governance of the tourism industry: a European study
Autores Cuellar-Molina, Deybbi , LUCIA CASADEMUNT, ANA MARÍA, Mercedes Garcia-Cabrera, Antonia
Publicación externa No
Medio Pasos-Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Fecha de publicacion 01/12/2015
ISI 000377894200008
DOI 10.25145/j.pasos.2015.13.096
Abstract The distribution of wealth generated in the tourism industry among the labor force should be considered one out of the facets of the social tourism sustainability. Literature highlights that tourism firms\' practices have an impact on labor well-being. However, it also warns that national institutions may condition the adoption of these practices by firms, and so institutions might become a challenge for well-being. This study analyzes the effect of institutions on well-being, and particularly it differentiates between employees and entrepreneurs as human resources in the tourism industry. The empirical analysis carried out on a sample of 1,352 employees and 302 entrepreneurs located in 27 European countries, confirms the direct effect of national institutions on well-being at work. Because institutions would have affect human resources\' well-being, the tourism authorities should pay attention to the governance of this industry.
Palabras clave Well-Being At Work; Governance; Institutional Theory; Tourism Industry; European Countries
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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