Título Entropy-based benchmarking methods
Publicación externa No
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil JCR 4
Cuartil SJR 3
Impacto JCR 0.433
Web https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85052825692&doi=10.1111%2fstan.12160&partnerID=40&md5=d8dd2e32cc3d3f4c4aeb64fc8e4b8419
Fecha de publicacion 01/11/2018
ISI 000446841200003
Scopus Id 2-s2.0-85052825692
DOI 10.1111/stan.12160
Abstract This paper argues that benchmarking of sign-volatile time series has to\n be based on the principle of movement and sign preservation, which\n requires the benchmarked series to reproduce both the short-term\n movements and signs of the original series. It is shown that the widely\n used variants of Denton method and the Causey-Trager growth rate\n preservation method may violate this principle. Four variants of\n entropy-based benchmarking methods are proposed that, by construction,\n account for the requirements of the movement and sign preservation\n principle. Our extensive simulations confirm that the proposed entropy\n methods can be regarded as plausible competitors for the\n well-established benchmarking methods and may even be preferred in cases\n of benchmarking series that are highly volatile in sign and/or\n movements.
Palabras clave benchmarking; generalized cross-entropy estimator; mathematical models; movement and sign preservation principle
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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