Título Enlightenment and Popular Religion in the Nuevas Poblaciones de Sierra Morena y Andalucia: Olavide\'s Unwanted Brotherhoods
Autores Perez Fernandez, Francisco Jose , HAMER FLORES, ADOLFO
Publicación externa No
Medio Vegueta-Anuario De La Facultad De Geografia E Historia
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Fecha de publicacion 01/01/2019
ISI 000457408200028
Abstract The purpose of this article is to analyse popular religion in the Nuevas Poblaciones de Sierra Morena y Andalucia through the religious brotherhoods formed there. The local authorities were not generally in favour of the existence of these organisms. However, popular desire to establish them led to the existence of several such congregations of the faithful, with few having statutes or official approval. This serves as manifest evidence that Enlightenment ideas were not readily received by believers, who demanded the existence of these brotherhoods.
Palabras clave Nuevas Poblaciones de Sierra Morena y Andalucia; Brotherhoods; Popular Religion; Pablo de Olavide; 18th and 19th Centuries
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