Título Effectiveness of Wii Fit Balance board in comparison with other interventions for post-stroke balance rehabilitation. Systematic review and meta-analysis
Autores GARCÍA MUÑOZ, CRISTINA, Jesus Casuso-Holgado, M.
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Alcance Review
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil JCR 4
Cuartil SJR 3
Impacto JCR 0.562
Impacto SJR 0.21
Fecha de publicacion 01/10/2019
ISI 000488530400002
DOI 10.33588/rn.6907.2019091
Abstract Introduction. Virtual reality is a booming therapeutic tool within the neurorehabilitation field. Among the different non-inmersive virtual reality systems, the most outstanding is the platform, Wii Fit Balance.\n Aim. To review the scientific literature published in recent years about the effectiveness of Wii Fit Balance tool. The use of this platform for balance training in patients who have suffered a stroke compared to conventional therapies is going to be analyzed from a quantitative and qualitative point of view.\n Subjects and methods. A search of the databases has been carried out: PubMed, Lilacs, PEDro, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane Library. Descriptors employed were \'Wii Fit Balance\', \'Wii\', \'stroke\', \'ictus\' and \'balance\'. Studies were analyzed methodologically by PEDro Scale. For those possible variables a meta-analysis was elaborated.\n Results. Sixteen randomized clinical trials were selected for the systematic review and six of them were included in the meta-analysis. Results for the descriptive analysis were heterogeneous. This situation is confirmed through the meta-analysis results, because the analyzed variables for static and dynamic balance show intra-group improvement and no significant differences between groups post-intervention.\n Conclusion. Wii Fit Balance, virtual reality platform, is an available therapeutic tool which has been shown at least as effective as conventional balance training in post-stroke patients.
Palabras clave Balance; Neurological rehabilitation; Postural control; Stroke; Virtual reality; Wii Fit Balance
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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