Autores Colas-Bravo, Pilar , Rossi, Pier Giuseppe , de Pablos-Pons, Juan , CONDE JIMÉNEZ, JESÚS, Villaciervos Moreno, Patricia
Publicación externa No
Medio Revista De Comunicacion De La Seeci
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Fecha de publicacion 01/11/2019
ISI 000497485500009
DOI 10.15198/seeci.2019.50.169-192
Abstract This article discusses the relevance of personalization and inclusion as\n key aspects of teaching planning and emphasizes the suitability of\n technologies to support this perspective. An app, called DEPIT\n (Designing for Personalization and Inclusion with Technologies), whose\n purpose is to support teacher planning and programming, is presented and\n evaluated from the perspective of the teaching staff. The information is\n collected from teachers regarding their attitude towards the DEPIT app,\n as well as its usefulness in teaching practice. The applied value of the\n app is collected through a discussion forum. The quantitative analysis\n of the data carried out by means of the statistical program SPSS v.24,\n identifies positive attitudes of the teaching staff in relation to the\n use of digital tools to elaborate the teaching programming. The\n qualitative analysis, carried out through the software Atlas.ti v.8,\n records aspects that teachers value in the application of DEPIT, among\n others: "Its adaptation and versatility to diverse educational\n contexts", "It facilitates interaction and communication" and "It\n promotes freedom, independence and autonomy".The results allow us to\n conclude that teachers assume a proactive and positive attitude towards\n the incorporation of technological tools for their teaching and put in\n value the potential of the DEPIT App for teacher programming.
Palabras clave teachers; ICT; programming; inclusion; personalization; teaching and learning
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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