Título Comprehensive medication management in a patient hospitalized with HIV and tuberculosis
Autores Arroyo-Monterroza, Dadier Antonio , MACHUCA GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL JESÚS
Publicación externa No
Medio Pharmaceutical Care Espana
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil SJR 4
Fecha de publicacion 01/01/2023
ISI 001099681700003
DOI 10.60103/phc.v25i5.810
Abstract A 27-year-old male patient referred from infectious diseases to the Comprehensive medication Management Service to optimize the administration of antifungal management. He was hospitalized for a submaxillary and axillary abscess, esophageal candida infection, protein-calorie malnutrition, HIV infection, pulmonary and ganglial tuberculosis. The pharmacotherapeutic experience was analyzed to achieve a better understanding of the patient\'s medication use and subsequently establish an individualized care plan to identify and solve 7 pharmacotherapeutic problems through the Pharmacotherapy Workup system, obtaining improvement and stability in the patient\'s state of health. In the 11 clinical conditions suffered by the patient, a total of 7 interventions were performed to solve the 6 pharmacotherapeutic problems and prevent the new appearance of one of them. 1 of the problems was solved by the patient himself because it was necessary to understand his medication experience. The rest were solved through collaborative work with the infectious disease physician and the nutritionist.
Palabras clave Medication therapy management; Hospital; VIH; tuberculosis
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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