Título Analysis of job satisfaction, job insecurity and job health in the employed population during the recent economic global crisis
Autores SANCLEMENTE IBÁÑEZ, FRANCISCO, Gamero, Nuria , Arenas, Alicia , Medina, Francisco J.
Publicación externa Si
Medio Anuario de Psicologia
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil SJR 4
Impacto SJR 0.165
Fecha de publicacion 01/01/2020
ISI 000597417400005
DOI 10.1344/anpsic2020.50.14
Abstract The aim of this work was to analyse the differences in job satisfaction, job insecurity and job health in the employed population during the recent period of economic crisis (2008-2012). The samples were extracted from the latest Andalusian Surveys of Working Conditions. The hypotheses were tested by means comparison. The results showed that levels of job satisfaction, job insecurity and job health worsened significantly in 2012 compared to 2008 among all employed people, especially affecting the services sector. Additionally, we found gender differences in job health among all employed people and, specifically, in the services sector. On the other hand, and even though foreign employees perceived lower job satisfaction and greater job insecurity than Spanish employees, they did not suffer greater worsening of job insecurity or job health than Spanish employees during the crisis.
Palabras clave Job health; job satisfaction; job insecurity; economic crisis; gender gaps; immigrant employees
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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