Título Analysis of an energy storage system using reversible calcium hydroxide in fluidised-bed reactors
Autores Bartoli, O. , Chacartegui, R. , Carro, A. , ORTIZ DOMÍNGUEZ, CARLOS, Desideri, U. , Becerra, J. A.
Publicación externa No
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil JCR 1
Cuartil SJR 1
Impacto JCR 6.4
Impacto SJR 1.559
Web https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85137029034&doi=10.1016%2fj.applthermaleng.2022.119180&partnerID=40&md5=214581a3f1e9a1147ae20476c0e97947
Fecha de publicacion 25/11/2022
ISI 000864082900004
Scopus Id 2-s2.0-85137029034
DOI 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2022.119180
Abstract The widespread use of renewable energy requires the support of high-capacity energy storage systems. This work proposes a thermochemical energy storage system for concentrated solar power plants based on the reversible hydration/dehydration process of the calcium hydroxide. It is a single fluidised bed reactor concept with alternating dehydration-hydration processes, charging and discharging alternating reactions, with superheated steam as fluidising agent. The system has been modelled using Aspen Plus (TM), including equilibrium data and hydrodynamic performance of the reactor. The model has been used to evaluate the effect of different parameters of the reactor, such as geometry, average particle size, or inlet streams conditions, on the performance of the reactor and the system. The thermal integration of the system was optimised using pinch analysis. For the proposed layouts, round-trip efficiencies values of 68 % are obtained. The economic analyses show specific in-vestment costs between 4170 $/kWe and 3250 $/kWe for plants in the range of 31 MW to 45 MW, which are competitive with those expected for plants with storage of molten salts in this power range. LCOE values between 67 $/MWh and 83 $/MWh were obtained. The analyses show how these values highly depend on the fresh material replacement requirements related to the deactivation of the material and operational strategies. The results show the interest in further developments of this concept for concentrated solar power plants.
Palabras clave Thermochemical Energy Storage; Calcium Hydroxide; Calcium Oxide; Fluidised Bed Reactor; Solar energy
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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