Título Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, Motives for Physical Exercise and Body Composition in Icelandic Adolescents: The AdolesHealth Study
Autores GALÁN LÓPEZ, PABLO, Gisladottir, Thordis , Ries, Francis
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Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil SJR 3
Impacto SJR 0.31
Fecha de publicacion 01/01/2020
ISI 000535742500082
DOI 10.47197/retos.v38i38.73821
Abstract Adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) and regular practice of physical exercise are positively associated with better quality of life and with reduction of the levels of overweight, obesity, and associated pathologies. This study aims to analyze adherence to the Mediterranean diet, reasons for exercising and possible relationships with elements of body composition (BMI, Body Fat %, and Waist Circumference) in 387 Icelandic adolescents (54% boys, 46% Girls, M-age=15.03). Chi-Square (divided by(2)), t-student test, and Anova analyses were performed. Subjects\' adherence to MD is classified as medium/high. The lowest values were found in older subjects. Physical exercise practice of the participants in this study responds to intrinsic motivations (Revitalization and Enjoyment, Strength and Endurance, Challenge, Competition, Nimbleness andAffiliation). The research shows associations between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and elements of body composition; as well as between BMI and percentage of fat with reasons of physical exercise practice (Weight Management and Body Image). In conclusion, the knowledge generated in this research makes possible to understand and approach with better precision participating students\' motivations, as well as their levels of adherence to the Mediterranean diet. All this will have to be used by Physical Education teachers for planning, designing and developing their teaching.
Palabras clave Mediterranean Diet; KIDMED; Body Composition; Physical Exercise; Adolescents; AMPEF; Motivation
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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