Título A heuristic approach to the heterogeneity of ADHD: Between poiesis and the reification fallacy
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Medio Revista De Psicologia Clinica Con Ninos Y Adolescentes
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Fecha de publicacion 01/07/2015
ISI 000216084300004
Abstract A heuristic approach to the heterogeneity of ADHD: between poiesis and the fallacy of reification. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex and heterogeneous clinical reality whose clinical expression involves behavioral, cognitive, social and emotional areas. The conceptualization of the disorder at different levels, has to assume heuristic approaches that respond to the diversity of the nature and clinical expressions. In this paper, it carried out a review of the different conceptual approaches of both the mental illness itself, such as ADHD itself. The contradictions underlying of the different models proposed for the conceptualization and classification of the construct, as well as the consequences of the philosophical positions taken by different taxonomic models, are presented. This study suggests that a heuristic model of the ADHD should include dimensional and categorical approaches to their classification. A comprehensive model in terms of the multidimensional nature of the disorder would not only reduced the risks of the fallacy of reification, but also lay the basis that would allow a higher flexibility without invalidating the conceptual model.
Palabras clave ADHD; Reification; Heuristic Approaches; Diagnosis
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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