Título Teaching Partnership Addressed to Refugees' Instances Strengthening
Área de gestión Proyecto
Comienzo 01/09/2016
Abstract Abstract: The world is facing an unprecedented displacement crisis. Today, almost 60 million people are forcibly displaced as a result of violent conflicts and natural disasters. By end of February 2016, over 1.1 million people – refugees, displaced persons and other migrants – have made their way to the EU, either escaping conflict in their country and in search of better economic prospects. Many people arrive in the EU after perilous land or sea journeys and require basic humanitarian assistance, such as provision of clean water, health care, emergency shelter and legal aid. This requires immediate response as a consequence of an eruption of fighting causing tens of thousands of people to flee their homes. Such responses include actions to protect those who flee violence and persecution, with respect to age, gender and diversity considerations. In this context, PARIS intends to propose updated University curricula as well as introduce alternative ICT learning tools to provide more skilled students (future social workers) on protection in emergencies, including strategy development, specific protection responses, community engagement and the underlying legal framework. The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department addresses the refugee crisis in Europe in different ways: it helps refugees in the transit countries located outside of the EU borders; it puts the EU Civil Protection Mechanism at the disposal of EU Member States and other countries requiring immediate material support to cope with the refugee influx; and it is a leading global donor of humanitarian aid in all the main countries refugees arrive from. The European Commission has recently also proposed an instrument for emergency assistance to be used within the EU to provide a faster, more targeted response to major crises, including helping Member States cope with large numbers of refugees. Italy: From 01 January 2016 to 10 February 2016, an estimated 5,898 migrants and asylum seekers were registered arriving in Italy. These figures are reached by adding numbers circulated by the Ministry of Interior, which go up to 31 January 2016, to numbers of arrivals from 1 February 2016 onwards, which are estimated by IOM staff in the landing areas. From 04 to 10 February 2016, IOM staff in the landing areas estimated that 117 migrants and asylum seekers had arrived in Italy, down from 2,540 in the previous week. Relocations: 09 February – To date, 498 individuals have been relocated, of which 281 from Italy (96 to Finland, 41 to France, 41 to Sweden, 12 to Spain, 11 to Germany, 14 to Belgium, 10 to Portugal, 6 to Spain, 50 to the Netherlands). To date, 18 out of the 31 participating countries have pledged to make places available, namely Belgium (30), Bulgaria (1,302), Cyprus (30), Finland (220), France (1,100), Germany (40), Ireland (20), Latvia (481), Lithuania (40), Luxembourg (90), Malta (131), the Netherlands (100), Poland (100), Portugal (130), Romania (315), Spain (50), Sweden (300) and Liechtenstein (43), with an overall number of only 4,522 places. In the Channel of Sicily migrants are usually rescued in international waters and brought to the ports of Lampedusa, Sicily (Catania, Augusta, Pozzallo, Porto Empedocle, Trapani, Messina, Palermo) Calabria (Crotone, Reggio Calabria, Vibo, and others) or Apulia (mainly Taranto). Sometimes migrants are also brought to Sardinia (Cagliari), or Campania (Salerno). Romania: In Romania, in terms of humanitarian migration, it can be noticed a slight increase in the number of asylum-seekers from 2014, most recently from Syria, but also from Afghanistan and Iraq. Citizens of Moldova remain the top nationality of non-EU citizens to be found in Romania in 2014 (21%), followed by Turks (15%), Chinese (13%), Syrians (7%). Asylum seekers and refugees: from July 2014 € 30 June 2015 GII registered 1641 applications for asylum, main countries of origin: Syria (675), Iraq (273), Afghanistan (242), Iran (64) and Ukraine (42). The recognition rate in 2015 was about 45%, with a high representation of Syrian nationals. Spain: at the beginning of September, the Spanish Government took a turn in the speech becoming favorable to relocation proposals launched by the Commission, although not saying a close figure and avoiding discussion of the obligation. Spain finally accepted the reception of 17,000 refugees during this period of two years. Pressure from the public, outraged public opinion and social organisations to the humanitarian crisis as well as the announcement of the creation of the network of refuge cities, have had a decisive effect on the evolution of the position of the Government that has begun to take steps to organize the reception. The number of relocated assigned to our country by the European Commission will entail the 0.02 Spanish population, i.e. 2 refugees per 10 thousand inhabitants. A total of 17 people have arrived in Spain today (Comisión de Ayuda al Refugiado de España (CEAR)
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