Título Social Inclusion through sport-based interventions
Área de gestión Proyecto
Comienzo 31/12/2018
Abstract Abstract Disciplins seeks to impact on the development of skills and curricula relevant to the societal needs by developing an expert training course focused on social inclusion through sport-based interventions and a map of competences related to this field. The project outputs are mainly addressed to provide professors, trainers and coaches in high education institutions as well as organisations active in social inclusion and/or sport with the necessary skils and competences to maximise the use of sport as a methodology and tool for social inclusion and cohesion. Trainers and professors from partner organisations together with professionals from local stakeholders will participate in capacity building activities and dissemination activities in order to further implement the Expert trianing course within the scope of their organisations as well as cooperating together for the design and implementation of high-impact sport initiatives for social inclusion and cohesion at local and European levels.
Entidad financiadora COMISIÓN EUROPEA
Importe 24097 €
Unidad Departamento de Comunicación y Educación
Métodos de Investigación Cuantitativa y aplicaciones (MICA)

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