Title Techno-economic analysis of dimethylfuran (DMF) and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) production from pure fructose in catalytic processes
Authors Kazi, Feroz Kabir , Patel, Akshay D. , SERRANO RUIZ, JUAN CARLOS, Dumesic, James A. , Anex, Robert P.
External publication Si
Scope Article
Nature Científica
JCR Quartile 1
SJR Quartile 1
JCR Impact 3.461
SJR Impact 1.382
Publication date 01/05/2011
ISI 000291079100041
DOI 10.1016/j.cej.2011.03.018
Abstract Techno-economic studies of processes for production of dimethyl-furan (DMF) and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) from fructose are performed based on published laboratory results. The early stage of technology development necessitates use of simplified process models to analyze a conceptual biorefinery producing fuel and chemical intermediates. HMF and DMF production processes are divided into four and six processing areas respectively that include synthesis and purification sections. The HMF process employs a biphasic (aqueous-organic phases) continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR), and the DMF process has an additional 3-train fixed bed catalytic plug flow tubular reactor (PFTR). The processing capacities are 300 metric ton/day of fructose and the plants will operate for 20 years. Installed equipment costs are estimated (US$2007) as $102.4 million for the HMF and $121.9 million for the DMF process, respectively. The DMF process uses a copper-ruthenium-carbon (Cu-Ru/C) catalyst. Catalyst cost is estimated as $36.4 million for the first charge with replacement cost of $258,500/2-years. Cost analysis is performed following the discounted cash flow method. The minimum selling prices for HMF and DMF are estimated as $1.33/1 ($5.03/gal) and $2.02/1 ($7.63/gal), respectively. Sensitivity analyses are performed to assess the relative importance of key assumptions on minimum HMF and DMF selling prices. The most significant parameters are feedstock cost, product yields, by-product prices, catalyst cost and total purchased equipment costs. Process and economic uncertainties can be reduced by incorporating better performance (through laboratory and pilot trials) and cost data. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords Techno-economics; DMF; HMF; Biofuel; Lignocellulose; Biorefinery
Universidad Loyola members

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