Title Integration of food products from gourmet stores in the culinary tourism offering in the city of Cordoba
Authors Hernandez Rojas, Ricardo David , Mateos, Manuel Rivera , MILLÁN VÁZQUEZ DE LA TORRE, GENOVEVA
External publication No
Means Investigaciones Turisticas
Scope Article
Nature Científica
Publication date 01/01/2017
ISI 000415900100009
DOI 10.14198/INTURI2017.13.09
Abstract This paper addresses the study of commercial establishments specialized on gourmet/delicatessen food products in an urban touristic destination such as Cordoba. The study focuses on the synergies and connections with the urban dynamics, the general touristic attractions in the city and, more specifically, with the gastronomic offerings in the city and the region. Firstly, we analyze the gourmet store market, locations, product categories and distribution channel access to the local market. We study the difficulties inherent in the insertion and actual visibility of these products in the local touristic offering.\n We identify and enumerate deficiencies, weaknesses and opportunities to enrich the touristic offering and to expose and consolidate the image of Cordoba as a culinary tourism destination of excellence. Finally, is detected the need for a redefinition of its commercial and sustainability strategies and its adequate insertion in the value chain of the local and regional gastronomic offer.
Keywords gourmet stores; food products; culinary tourism; gastronomic tourism; designation of origin; Cordoba
Universidad Loyola members

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