Title Hacia una nueva forma de realización sistemática: la Simbolica ecclesiale de B. Forte y La entraña del cristianismo de O. González de Cardedal
External publication Si
Means Antonianum
Scope Article
Nature Científica
Publication date 01/01/2005
Abstract The books "La Simbolica ecclesiale" by B. Forte (Italy), and "La Entraña del cristianismo" by O. González de Cardedal (Spain) offer two global interpretations of Christianity on the threshold of the third Millenium. The present article intends to show a recent tendency in contemporary theology towards a more fundamental reflection on Christian doctrine. Or, in other words, they try to provide the formal principle for a theology, which desires to unite God\'s message ("auditus fidei") with man\'s expectancy ("auditus temporis").
Universidad Loyola members

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