Title Francisco Suarez and the common good of humanity
External publication No
Means Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia
Scope Article
Nature Científica
SJR Quartile 2
SJR Impact 0.231
Web https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85145828301&doi=10.5209%2fashf.83705&partnerID=40&md5=2fe75dafac8514d1f2a5cb986d3e2883
Publication date 27/10/2022
ISI 000922062900015
Scopus Id 2-s2.0-85145828301
DOI 10.5209/ashf.83705
Abstract This article studies the contribution of the Jesuit Francisco Suarez, in the context of the Iberian School of Peace and scholastic humanism, to morally and legally guide the socio-legal interactions of various actors in the whole of humanity from the ideal of the common good of humanity. To this end, we employ a methodology of analysis, such as intercultural analysis, which attempts to give a comparative account of the relevance and interest of a particular tradition, such as that stemming from the Iberian School of Peace, in order to shed light on common challenges facing humanity, as well as the fundamental assumptions that are driving this tradition. This proposal is identified as a cosmopolitan modernity, with historical achievements and doctrinal contributions that show us other traditions of European origin that represent an ethical articulation in the face of the diversity of humanity since the Renaissance. Subsequently, the essential elements that would configure the common good of humanity from the contribution of Suarez are analysed. And finally, the ethical and anthropological dimension of the dynamism of praxis that makes ethical coexistence possible in the plural universal community of humanity is examined.
Keywords Francisco Suarez; common good; common good of humanity; ethics; cosmopolitan justice; universal community; Iberian School of Peace; scholastic humanism
Universidad Loyola members

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