Title El misionero como medio: China y la tolerancia ilustrada
External publication No
Means Aisthesis
Scope Article
Nature Científica
SJR Quartile 3
SJR Impact 0.111
Publication date 01/01/2022
DOI 10.7764/Aisth.71.4
Abstract The paper focuses on the early modern imagination of China in Europe and its contribution to the Early Enlightenment. It sets out by recalling the precarious condition of the Early Modern missionary understood as a complex medium of intercultural exchange. The article interprets the Jesuit mission from a media philosophical perspective and highlights the specific form of subjectivity the China mission fostered. The second section focuses on the intracatholic quarrels and the central figure of the Dominican missionary Domingo Navarrete (1619-1689). His account of China and his critique of the Jesuit mission, the final section concludes, contributed to an Enlightenment discourse that culminated in a politics of religious tolerance and the rise of European secularism. © Instituto de Estética - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Keywords China; Enlightenment; missionaries; toleration
Universidad Loyola members

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