Our Custom Programs

Some areas where Loyola Executive develops custom-made programs for companies are:

  • Managerial skills, to help in the leadership developing of those who are or could be reference points in the organization and reinforce strategic concepts in people management.
  • Executive Communication is usually the weakest subject in many executives’ training. The ability to communicate effectively, to connect with other people to make oneself understood, to convince, to speak in public, is a skill that can be practiced and developed.
  • Management of multicultural teams, to help to adequately manage this type of teams, characterized by diversity and a mixture of workers from different cultures.
  • Negotiation, to help understand the phases in all negotiation processes and put correct application into practice.
  • Preventive leadership, as a vehicle to further the preventive culture in the organization.

Functional areas

  • Executive development, that offers tools for a strategic perspective of an ever-changing global environment.
  • Marketing, one of the fundamental tools to be a leader in the market.
  • Administration and management, basic in business development.
  • Financial appraisal, both personal and also for business managers, in response to the changes occurring in activities related to financial appraisal in general and, in particular, regarding the role and professional level  of those who carry them out.
  • Finances, basic and advanced, that offer the necessary tools to know how to interpret financial information and make the best use of resources to achieve competitive advantages.  It shows how, behind every number, there are processes and people to facilitate a financial view, from the perspective of general management.
  • Leadership and people management, which contribute an integrated, dynamic and current view of the management of people from a strategic and / or technical perspective.
  • Taxation, to help reduce legal insecurity derived from the complexity of tax laws and the continual changes they undergo.
  • Internationalization, to be leaders in a global market.Project management, which aims to help participants to keep abreast of knowledge and develop skills for the management of different projects.
  • Mediation, to learn about alternative methods for resolving conflicts, in a setting of growth, acceptance, learning and mutual respect.
  • Cyber security, to help companies to successfully deal with the ample variety of security threats that can exist.
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For more information about how we can be of assistance to your firm, contact Loyola Executive or fill out the form.

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