The Psychology Degree in Loyola University allows you to become a professional with the necessary expertise to understand, interpret, analyze and explain human behavior. Furthermore, you will acquire the basic skills and competencies to evaluate and intervene in the individual and his social environment throughout life’s cycle, in order to promote and improve people’s health and quality of life.

The curriculum in Psychology in Loyola University has an eminently practical outlook with a broad sphere of interaction in the professional world. Thus, research internships as well as professional intervention are obligatory and various elective subjects are offered in conjunction with all the existing career opportunities today, such as: in clinics; schools; occupational, social, community, forensic and judicial intervention; in sports and communication and marketing.

Furthermore, the interdisciplinary aspects of its contents allow our Degree in Psychology to combine with studies in Criminology, with which it has great synergies, giving rise to a double itinerary that leads to obtaining a dual degree

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