Business Administration

The Degree in Business Administration and Management from Loyola University (ADE) is one of the most versatile degrees in terms of career opportunities, because the knowledge acquired will allow you to engage in many different work activities within the general framework of an organization, or more specifically, in any of its functional areas, as well as to launch your own company.

Furthermore, it is one of the fields with the highest employment rates, given the importance of the business sector in our economy and the need to provide businesses with human resources who hold positions of responsibility.

In the Loyola University, the degree in Business Administration and Management has an eminently practical focus, with ample interaction with the professional world.  In addition, the interdisciplinary nature of its contents allows you to combine these studies with others that share great synergies; thus we facilitate the possibility of doing a double itinerary with degrees in Law, Economics and International Relations leading to obtaining a dual degree.

In short, our Degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) prepares you to be a versatile professional sensitive to the problems of our world, able to evaluate with ethical criteria the commitments that these companies acquire with respect to society.

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