
By academic prices we refer to the total amount that must be paid by a student who wishes to begin or continue studies toward a university degree in Loyola University, and the amount corresponds to one academic course year.  The academic price, which is the sum total, is divided into two parts, depending on when it is paid:

  • Registration fees:  the amount that must be paid at the moment the registration in Loyola University is formalized within the time period established each year.
  • Monthly payments:  the amount to be paid by those who have formalized their registration, spread throughout the ten months that begin in September and continue until the month of June, inclusive.
    This amount is calculated by multiplying the price for each credit by the number of registered credits and dividing the resulting amount among the number of months in which the payment is divided. 
Undergraduate Degrees
DegreesCost of registrationCost per credit
(in 10 months: September to June)

Business Administration and Management Degree



Communication Degree



Criminology Degree



Law Degree

600 100
Economics Degree 600 100

Degree in Early Childhood Education

600 100

Degree in Primary Education

600 100
Psychology Degree 600 100

International Relations Degree

600 100

Electromechanical Engineering Degree

600 120

Engineering Degree in Energy

600 120

Engineering Degree in Mechatronics and Robotics

600 120

Engineering Degree in Industrial Organization

600 120
end faq


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