Specialization and skill development

Postgraduate studies In Loyola Andalucía are held in its Loyola Masters. The formation is oriented toward specialization and the development of skills, key aspects for the professional future of young people in today’s labor market. All of the Master’s Programs in Loyola Masters are official and recognized throughout the whole European Union, and are also endorsed by the quality evaluation agency ANECA.

But doing a Master’s in Loyola Masters is much more than acquiring specialized knowledge. It means developing critical skills needed for professional performance, and putting them into practice, skills like those of leadership, of negotiation, communication, and innovation, capacity for entrepreneurship and people management. In this sense, the Leaders for the World program (“Lideres para el Mundo” (LPM) ) – a degree offered in this school and developed transversally in all the Master’s Programs  - plays a fundamental role. 

Furthermore, employability is another of the differentiating features of the educational offer in the postgraduate school; in fact, the employability rate of the Master’s students is 92%.

In short, Loyola Masters offers education that is comprehensive, based on knowledge, skills and values, having an international vocation and with cutting-edge teaching methodologies and technology.  The aim is to prepare tomorrow’s professionals, new leaders, excellent people who want to transform the world.


Joaquín García-Tapial Arregui

Joaquín García-Tapial Arregui

Associate Dean of Business

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Manuel Novo Foncubierta

Manuel Novo Foncubierta

Associate Dean of Law

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Francho Barón Cano

Francho Barón Cano

Desireé  Ruiz Aranda

Desireé Ruiz Aranda

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Óscar Enrique González López

Óscar Enrique González López

María Delia Mengod Ibáñez

María Delia Mengod Ibáñez

Diseño y Desarrollo Académico de las Áreas de Psicología y Salud. Directora de "Líderes para el Mundo"
Susana Giraldez Miura

Susana Giraldez Miura

Senior Program Manager Área Jurídica
Sonia Seara García

Sonia Seara García

Senior Program Manager Área Psicología
Lidia María García García

Lidia María García García

Program Manager, Psychology Area
Alberto  Fernández

Alberto Fernández

Senior Program Manager Área Ingeniería
Rocío García Núñez

Rocío García Núñez

Fátima Yaque Rubio

Fátima Yaque Rubio

Senior Program Manager Área Business y Executive Education
Miriam Ramos Varas

Miriam Ramos Varas

Senior Program Manager Área Business y Executive Education
Romina Mahtani

Romina Mahtani

Senior Program Manager Área Comunicación
Pablo Lucas Arenga

Pablo Lucas Arenga

Program Manager Áreas Jurídica y Comunicación
Alessandro Fabiano Paolo Capriglione

Alessandro Fabiano Paolo Capriglione

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