What are cookies?

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files that are installed on the computer with which you access our website. Cookies allow web pages, among other things, to store and recover information about a user's browsing habits or their computer system and, depending on the information they contain and the way their computer utilizes them, they can be employed to identify the user.

What types of cookies exist?

Cookies can be grouped according to three criteria: their domain, lifespan and purpose.

Cookies according to their domain:

  • First-party cookies: those which are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a device or domain that is managed by the website's own publisher and from that which the service requested by the user is provided.
  • Third-party cookies: those which are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a device or domain that is not managed by website's publisher, but by another company that processes the data obtained through cookies.

Cookies according to their lifespan:

  • Session cookies: a type of cookie designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website.
  • Persistent cookies: a type of cookie which continues to store information in the terminal equipment and allows for the data to be accessed and processed during a period of time, defined by the company responsible for the cookie and ranging from a few minutes to several years.

Cookies according to their purpose:

  • Analytic cookies: cookies which, whether they be processed by us or by third parties, permit us to quantify the number of users and therefore statistically measure and analyze the use that users make of the offered service. In order to do so, their browsing history on our web page is analyzed with the aim of improving the variety of products and services we offer them.
  • Advertising cookies: cookies that allow the management of the advertising spaces that the publisher, where appropriate, has included in a website through which the requested service is provided, on the basis of criteria such as the content edited or the frequency with which the advertisements are displayed.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: cookies that store information about users' behavior which is obtained through continuous observation. Thanks to these cookies, we can know more about users' Internet browsing habits, and display advertisements related to your browsing profile.
  • Customization cookies: cookies that allow the user to access a service with some predefined general features, based on a number of criteria on the user’s terminal equipment, such as the language, the type of browser through which they access the service or the regional configuration from which they access the service, etc.
  • Technical cookies: cookies that allow the user to browse through a website, and use the different options or services enabled therein, such as controlling the traffic and communication of data, identifying the session, accessing a website’s restricted areas, keeping record of the elements of an order placed, completing the process of purchase, filing a request to sign up for or participate in an event, using security features during navigation, storing contents for broadcasting video or audio or sharing content through social networks.

What kind of cookies does this web page use?



These cookies allow our websites to record information that changes the appearance or behavior of the site, such as your preferred language or the region where you are located. For example, by remembering your region, a website can provide you with news about local traffic or weather conditions. These cookies also allow you to change the size of the text, the font and other parts of websites that you can customize. Losing information stored in a preference cookie may make a user's experience on the website less functional, but should not affect its operation.

Most Google users have a preference cookie on their browsers referred to as “PREF”. A web browser sends this cookie by request to Google sites. The PREF cookie can store your preferences and other information, specifically your preferred language (for example, English), as well as the number of search results you want to be displayed per page (for example, 10 or 20), and whether you want to activate the Google SafeSearch filter.


We use security cookies to authenticate users, avoid the fraudulent use of log-in credentials, and protect users' information from non-authorized third parties.

For example, we use cookies referred to as “SID” and “HSID” which contain digitally encrypted and signed records with a user's most recent log-in time and their Google account ID. The combination of these two cookies allows us to block many types of attacks, such as attempts to steal content from the forms you fill in on web pages.


We use cookies to make advertising more appealing to users and more valuable to publishers and advertisers. The cookies are usually used to select ads based on content that is relevant to users, improve campaign performance reporting, and avoid displaying ads that users have already seen.

Google uses cookies, such as the PREF cookie, in order to customize the ads that are displayed on Google services such as the Google Search Engine, especially when you haven't logged into a Google account. We also use cookies for ads shown outside of Google. Our main advertising cookie on sites not belonging to Google is called “id” and is stored in browsers on the domain doubleclick.net. We also use other cookies referred to as "_drt_", "FLC", "NID" and "exchange_uid".

On occasions, a cookie may be enabled on the domain of the site you are visiting. In the case of DoubleClick, you can enable a cookie called “_gads” on the domain of the website you are visiting.

Google also uses various conversion tracking cookies so that advertisers can determine the number of times that people who click on their ads end up buying their products. These cookies allow Google and the advertiser to know you have clicked on the ad and that you have subsequently accessed the advertiser's site. However, Google does not utilize conversion tracking cookies to divide the ads according to the type of interest. In addition, these cookies only last for a limited period of time. Although these cookies are generally created on the domain googleadservices.com, they can also be established on the domain google.com/ads. Data from conversion tracking cookies can also be used together with your Google account to link conversion tracking events across different devices that you use. Anonymous data collected from conversion tracking cookies is only shared with the advertisers.

Session status

Websites usually compile information about how users engage with a website. This information can include the pages that users visit most frequently and whether users receive error messages from particular pages. We use cookies known as “Session status cookies” in order to improve our services with the aim of improving users' browsing experience. If these cookies are blocked or eliminated, the website will continue functioning.

These cookies can also be used to anonymously measure the efficiency of the pay per click system (PPC) and the affiliated advertising. For example, we use a cookie known as "recently_watched_video_id_list" so that YouTube can record the most recent videos that have been viewed in a specific browser.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the analytics tool that helps websites and application owners to understand how its visitors engage with their properties. It can use a group of cookies to compile information and report about website use statistics without personally identifying the Google visitors. More information about Google Analytics cookies and information about privacy.


More information about Analytics Cookies

We wish to inform you that our web page utilizes Google Analytics cookies. This application has been developed by Google, which provides this service to measure and analyze our web pages' audience.

This data can also be used to improve your own services and to offer services to other companies. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google can transmit the aforementioned information to third parties when required to do so by law, or when said third parties process the data on behalf of Google. Google will not associate (part of) your IP address with any other data held by Google. By using this website, you consent to Google processing information about you in the manner and for the purposes indicated above.

These tools do not obtain data about your name or surnames, or the postal address from which you are connecting. The information obtained is related to the number of pages visited, the language, social network on which our announcements are posted, the city that your IP address is assigned to from which you are accessing, the number of new users, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the amount of visit time, the web browser, and operating system or the type of terminal the visit is being made from.

We use this information to improve our web pages, anticipate new needs and assess the improvements to be made with the purpose of providing the users who visit us with better service, adapting said improvements, for example, to the most commonly-used browsers or terminals.

Vimeo.com and player.vimeo.com

2. What cookies are used when I use the Vimeo Service?

When you use the Vimeo Service or visit a web page with a Vimeo video, Vimeo or a third party may place a number of cookies in your browser. Some of the cookies will only be used if you use certain features or select certain preferences, and some cookies will always be used. You can find out more about each cookie by viewing our current cookie list. We update this list quarterly, so there may be additional cookies that aren’t yet listed.

Each cookie serves one of four different purposes:

1. Essential cookies

These first-party cookies allow you to use a feature of the Vimeo Service, such as:

Staying logged in

Viewing a private video or album

Watching videos in Couch mode

Making purchases

2. Analytics cookies

These cookies track information about how the Vimeo Service is being used so that we can make improvements and report our performance. We might also use analytics cookies to test new ads, pages, or features to see how users react to them. Analytics cookies may either be first-party cookies or third-party cookies.

3. Preference cookies

These first-party cookies store your Vimeo Service preferences, such as:

Language preference

Volume preference

HD mode preference

4. Ad targeting cookies

These third-party cookies are placed by advertising platforms or networks in order to:

Deliver ads and track ad performance

Enable advertising networks to deliver ads that may be relevant to you based upon your activities (this is sometimes called “behavioral” or “targeted” advertising)

Social Media Plugins

This website may have enabled social sharing buttons for social networks in order to allow the user to share the content which is of interest to them with their social circle. Likewise, social sharing buttons save you the trouble of having to provide this website with your personal information through the use of information you already shared in social network settings.

For more information about Facebook cookies: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/cookies

For more information about Twitter cookies: https://twitter.com/privacy?lang=en

For more information about Google cookies: http://www.google.es/intl/en/policies/privacy/key-terms/

Disabling and removing cookies

You can configure your computer so that you do not receive these cookies, and this will not prevent you from being able to access the information on the company website. By using this website, you are aware of the processing of this data and the aforementioned purposes.

You can find more information about how to do this via:

Google Chrome:https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en

Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences

Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/block-or-allow-cookies

Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH19214?viewlocale=en_US&locale=es_ES

Safari para IOS (iPhone y iPad): https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201265

Chrome para Android: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662?hl=en&rd=1

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