
Quality Assurance System of Degree

Competencies of the Quality Control Committee

b) Functions:

Adaptation to the specific context of the Degree of the systems and procedures that allow the evaluation, monitoring, control, and continuous improvement of the diversity of processes of the Degree, adequately combining simplicity with rigor, so that they are effective and efficient for the intended purpose.

Evaluation and improvement of teaching quality. Monitoring of the learning process of doctoral students. Monitoring of the application of evaluation instruments in each activity.

Improvement of the quality of the teaching staff.

Analysis of the information collected regarding the labor market insertion of graduates, satisfaction with the training of doctoral students and graduates, satisfaction of other groups involved such as employers, and in general of the information obtained through indirect evaluation instruments.

Systematic collection of information on all the aspects proposed in the Academic Activities Plan Report submitted for verification:

  • Collect and analyze the results of the indicators regarding the academic performance of the degree analyze their values and evolution, and propose, if deemed necessary, actions for improvement.
  • Analyze the data on the satisfaction of the different groups with the degree of each of the variables that make up the survey and, if deemed necessary, propose actions for improvement.
  • Analyze complaints, suggestions, and incidents received and propose, if deemed necessary, actions for improvement.
  • Collect and analyze the results (overall average values by University, Center, and Areas) of the annual surveys of doctoral students on the teaching activity of the faculty, and propose, if deemed necessary, actions for improvement.
  • Collect and analyze the results of the evaluation surveys of the academic and research competencies of the different groups, and propose, if deemed necessary, actions for improvement.
  • Collect and analyze the necessary data concerning planning and development of the teaching of the degree, Administration and Services Staff, physical resources, and research and technology transfer of the professors involved in the degree, and propose, if deemed necessary, actions for improvement.
  • Analyze the content and development of the degree dissemination plan and, if necessary, define proposals for improvement.
  • Collect from the Employability and Entrepreneurship Service (SEE) the results of the employability study, and from Loyola Doctorados, the results on the satisfaction of the graduates with the training received. Perform an analysis of these results and, where appropriate, a list of possible proposals for improvement.
  • To follow up on the recommended improvement actions.
  • Ensure that the procedure established in the case of termination of the degree is correctly applied and urge the Loyola Doctorates and/or the Central Services of the University to proceed according to their competencies, if anomalies or deficiencies are observed in its application. Propose, if deemed necessary, improvement actions.
  • Collect from Loyola Doctorados data on the number of doctoral students who choose to adapt to the new Plan of Studies (in the event of termination of the Degree), those who have continued with the studies to be terminated, and those who have dropped out, as well as any incidents that may have occurred during the process.
  • Prepare an Annual Report and submit it to the Loyola Doctorados Management.

Involvement with the academic authorities in the continuous improvement of the degree, guaranteeing maximum objectivity and independence in all its actions.

Monitoring and follow-up of all processes related to quality control. Improve the methods of acquiring external and internal information, ensuring the periodicity of information renewal, and establishing selective access for authorized users. It will also ensure the participation of all interested parties in the information-gathering processes.

Ensure compliance with the actions included in the quality system.

Contribute to ex-post accreditation (ACREDITA program).

Member of Quality Assurance System of Degree

  • Carlos Ortiz
  • Maurizio Zurita
  • Eduardo Roque
  • Francisco Rivas 
  • Mercedes Benjumea
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